My Lady and Her Bear


My lady fair,
And her bear,
Set to sea last winter.
Cold wind blowing,
Neither of them knowing,
Whither the snow had sent her.
But their picnick at sea,
Gave them such glee
As they cared not to question.
They said “Let it blow!
We care not for snow!
Our boat shall be our bastion!”
Everyday watching ocean I,
Gaze upon the horizon wishing to spy,
My lost love, her bear, my lady so fair.
But remembering her joy in departing,
I cannot help imparting,
My joy to you,
Of our love so true,
That she’d never be truly departing.

Note on the artwork:
I do not have written permission to use this piece, as I do not know who the artist is. If you know and/or are able to give me the artists name please let me know in the comments that I may obtain the aforementioned permissions. In…

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Unacceptable Stairs



The mountain, the ark
The ziggurat. Embark
Upon a path of oneness that time forgot.
The head that floats there,
Those that lead into the air,
An end not unlike a brain and a blood-clot.
My ego death and following joy,
The Infinite stairs that you employ,
Provide the motivation to persue another one.
An imbalance in your being,
Those of the oneness now seeing.
With the guardian of the mountain struck down, I’m done.

This poem was inspired by Lemongrabs part in the Adventure Time episode “The Mountain”. As I’ve had no permission to use any of the trademarked names mentioned, I politely ask that the owners of said names do not “C and D” me. 🙂 please? Okay thanks.

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