May 18th Poetry Challenge: Bite Me.

Mocking Bird Down

May 18th: Write a piece with the first word of each stanza beginning with a letter of the alphabet. 26 Lines.


Absorbed. Filled. Soaked in the smell of my morning coffee.
Body aching from the night shared with the awkward and equally
charismatic gentleman who made his way over to me only to
deliberately fumble. Stumble. Bumble. All to make me laugh.
Executed with perfection on his part. My reaction not quite what the
flirt wanted. My humour has a darkness to it that most find
ghoulish. Ghastly. Ungainly. Grizzly, even.
He gestured for me to join him for a dance. I don’t dance.
Imprudent of him, I thought. He appeared to read my mind and
joined me, sitting on the bar stool beside me, and smiled in a most
knavish manner. One I recognised and reciprocated with equal ill intention.
Lapping up every word I spoke, or at…

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Weekly writing challenge May 11

Why does sunset come so early
Creeping stealthily, but occurring rapidly
Denying the beauty of a life yet to live
All becoming harsh shades of silver and grey
How to beat back the sweeping of night
Fight the snuffing of all light
Courage, hope and faith
That’s all that’s left
For a soul bereft

©Paris Poems 2015

The Art, in Breaking Hearts

Mocking Bird Down

Corazone 2

I bled, bright red
I gripped the wound,
and the warmth
of the blood that pulsed
past my fingers and
ran across my breasts
onto the floor,
was a vivid
I never was in control.
I was merely caught
off guard, and propelled
into a motion, not unlike
a speeding train.
Or falling plane.
No emergency brakes, when
it is actually an emergency.
No warning signs, seat belts.
helmets or knee pads.
No fucking parachutes.
Just the stomach churning slam,
and the knowledge that when you
open your eyes again,
nothing will be the same.
Not ever again.

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Poetry Challenge – Week of May 11th

Mocking Bird Down

The challenge this week is to use the words, sunset, silver and beauty in a poem. Each member obviously will have their own interpretation. Here she blows:


He smiled. He was the beast,
and she the beauty. The silver
lining that ushered in
a new hope. But,
his heart lacked the
bravery. Sunset came,
sunrise followed, and still;
she did not know his name.
And she never would.
Because he never could,
quite offer anything more
thank a whimper,
and a longing
for belonging.

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